2012 09 15 Sumo-23

Matta Sumo

Sumo boot campHere is the anorak area and you'll discover aside more about the genuine article, in case your interest happens to be stimulated...

Typical terms:

  • Basho - a sumo event (great term, eh?)
  • Rikishi - a sumo wrestler, literally indicating "strong man"
  • Mawashi - the buckle worn by the sumo wrestler
  • Kesho-Mawashi - a more substantial ceremonial gear with an apron the top wrestlers put on to enter the ring. This has space for advertising!
  • Hachimaki - the japanese bandana (but much more popular as an accessory the Samurai work of harikari!)
  • Yobidashi - the announcer
  • Gyoji - the referee
  • Gunbai - the Gyoji's paddle, a wand to perform the proceedings
  • Shimpan - five ringside umpires just who may issue last rulings on any disputed choice
  • Mono-ii - the discussion held because of the Shimpan as soon as the Gyoji's choice for a bout is named into concern
  • Torinaoshi - a rematch following a Mono-ii
  • Dohyo - the sumo ring
  • Chikara mizu - water of energy ( a type of mouthwash)
  • Shio maki - the sodium throwing ritual
  • Shikiri - crouching and staring to intimidate the resistance ahead of the bout
  • Shiko - the ritual stamping whilst the wrestlers position by themselves for bout
  • Matta - this is when the bout is stopped because of a false-start. Within the real recreation this really is associated with a superb of 30, 000 yen (sinceis the price of honour!)

Rikishi mooning at their marketThere are a couple of mains styles of sumo:

  • Tsuppari - thrusting.
  • Yotsu-zomo - trying to get a handle on the opponent because of the hold on their Mawashi. (this might be thought to be the same as providing him a wedgie!)

And some skilful manoeuvres:

  • Tachi-ai - the first cost at the beginning of a bout
  • Uwate nage - a place where in actuality the throwing arm is on the outside associated with the opponents arm
  • Shitate nage - a place where in actuality the arm passes in opponents arm to grip the Mawashi
  • Koshi nage - the hip place
  • Kake nage - the knee pushes the opponent's inside leg into the air
  • Tsuri - a lifting manoeuvre
  • Tsuri dashi - lifting and dumping the opponent out of the band (one well worth witnessing!)
  • Henka - a sneaky sidestep

It isn't a one-size-fits-all event:

  • Lightweight - under 85 KG (13 stone 5 pounds)
  • Middleweight - under 115 KG (18 stone 1 lb)
  • Heavyweight - over 115 KG (ouch!)

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